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Celebrities banned by nightclubs!

We all know celebrities get to party hard with all the money they have that gives them access to the amounts of booze and drugs that are unfathomable to us commoners. Not wanting a PR nightmare on their hands, most nightclubs just let these celebs blow off some stream with their reckless acts of debauchery that surely costs the venue a lot of money, but put up with all this as they feel honoured that celebs think enough of their club to go party there.

But believe it or not, sometimes even a celebrity can take things too far, and the people running the nightclub simply refuse to deal with that celeb’s crap anymore. Can’t really blame them though.

1. Britney Spears

Spears was banned from exclusive Hollywood nightclub Winston’s in October 2007. This was around the time when the world thought Britney went nuts, and it didn’t help that apparently Brit tried to force a bartender to swap dresses with her at a Halloween party the club held. You think this would’ve been enough of a lesson for Bit, but oops, she did it again in in March 2008 when she was also been from fellow Hollywood nightclub Villa because the club owners feared she would create a “media circus”. The idiots obviously didn’t realise having Britney there would give them free publicity!

2. Lindsay Lohan

It comes as no surprise LiLo’s on this list. This girl just can’t seem to keep out of trouble, making it very easy to forget she actually originally got famous from being in movies. Though she is no stranger to causing trouble at nightclubs, she was flat out banned from the Smoke & Mirrors nightclub at the Standard Hotel in Hollywood after supposedly getting into a fight with another patron. That only happened in early August 2012, so a new low for Low-han. But why does she cause all this trouble? Perhaps she’s just a mean girl.

3. Amanda Bynes

Only days after Lohan was banished, Bynes was also banned from Smokes and Mirrors after she arrived there just hours after being arrested for suspicion of a DUI in early August 2012. Maybe she should dress up as a boy like she did in She’s The Man to sneak in.

4. Paris Hilton

Paris was banned the Los Angeles nightclub LAX in December 2005 for bad mouthing her former bestie Nicole Richie. But why was a girl talking trash about another girl cause enough to get her banned? Nicole was dating the DJ working there! Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time!