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The Hoxton Pony Guestlist & Table Bookings



With the welcome arrival of the Hoxton Pony, Curtain Street has risen from the ashes, once a forsaken area, and now a clubber’s stomping ground. The venue is a clear demonstration that with a little bit of clever interior design, a team of skilled staff and a mouth wateringly delectable drinks menu, the best things in clubbing life really can come in small packages. With all that said and done, this is certainly no one-trick pony.

The Club

As you walk into the Hoxton Pony the natural inclination is to head down the stairs but it’s worth taking a moment to soak up the wow factor of the upstairs space. A waist to ceiling display case housing stuffed owls and bright green leaves adorn black, white and silver colour scheme and a bar stretches across the far wall. When you’re facing the bar, to the right there’s an open kitchen where the chefs rustle up East End tapas and to the left an installation of a crushed car hangs over the seating and mirrored wall. Downstairs, it’s dark, loud and pulsing. The DJ’s tucked into a nook beneath the stairs, there’s seating to left and right and another long bar is perfectly placed for hopping to when you’re not tearing up the space in front of the decks.

The Vibe

A fashionable and fun mix of drinkers and clubbers are attracted to the Hoxton Pony. It ticks all of the boxes without ever veering towards pretentious. The music is palpitating and encapsulating, the tracks hit the spot time and time again, the mouthwatering kaleidoscopic cocktails flow non-stop and the music is cranked up as the sound of chirpy clubber banter layers across the venue. The bar staff are professional and on the ball while the door staff have just the right amount of rigor to ensure a great night.

The Music

Expect the unexpected at the Hoxton Pony. From day to night the tracks spin seamlessly on a musical mystery tour that spans ska, soul, pop and electronica before dropping in a few vintage film soundtracks and more alternative sounds. The drinks are imaginative and high end while being reasonably priced. The Hoxton Pony infusion jars are a must. Serving multiples of four, you can choose from a base of vodka, whisky, rum, bourbon and gin, which are mixed with fruit juices and herbs to create the most original cocktails you’ll find in Hoxton. If cocktails are not for you then you can easily order a glass of Champagne or a chilled bottle of beer at a standard rate.