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Author: velvetclub


It's not often we here any complaints about Velvet PR's service however we found this funny compaint letter sent to the directors of Sizzling Pub chain! Needless to say they never received a reply....


To: ''

Cc: ''; ''; ''

Subject: Please forward this onto the relevant department.


Good afternoon,


I feel compelled to write in after a recent experience at The Travellers (Long Lane, Bexleyheath) today and feel I should share my experience with you.



Friday 28th May, 13.30pm (local time)


It was a sunny day and myself and my fiancé were both very excited at the prospect of filling our rumbling bellies after the mornings meal of cheerios didn’t quite fill the hole. After debating various options we decided that due to the location and proximity to the nearest lavatory we would pull into the travellers on Long Lane in Bexleyheath.


My first impressions from what I can remember was one of sheer delight as my penis tingled with excitement at the prospest of being able to relieve what felt like a reservoir into the base of the cubicle. Without a second thought I gladly relieved the contents of my phallus not forgetting to wash my hand before I walked to the bar to browse the menu.


We both scoured the menu for what seemed like forever, both of us unsure with some many choices on offer which gourmet experience we were going to select, however we both did eventually decide that the combo meal (steak and rib) and philliy burger were going to be the most exciting and fulfilling option.


After paying for both meals which came to around £13 we both decided that a game of pool would be a good idea as this would pass the time and bring our sumptuous meals to us quicker. I was just about to pot the black ball relegating my fiancé to the losers bench when we spotted the waitress with a beaming smile coming towards us, me and charis (my fiancé) both looked at each other and gave out a small wail of excitement which went unnoticed by the rest of the customers, however a small fart did pop out and marred the smell of my incoming combo meal.


We both sat down and our meals were put infront of us, forks at the ready but before I had a chance to dig in I had to scrape what seemed to be a gallon of a rather unpleasant BBQ sauce of the top of my meal. I peeled back the layers of this brown goo to reveal what can only be described as a slab of some sort of fossilized cow shit.


The steak knife that i was using didn’t stand a chance cutting into this meaty flavoured brick that despite being covered in sauce was drier than a nuns vagina. Worse was to come however. When I moved that aside using every last fibre of muscle from my already bulging bicep I encountered what was described on the menu as “RIBS”... however a think a better description of this would have been “shit stuck to a bone”.


Infact it was worse than shit, as this shit had not even been cooked correctly It was still alive, it was a fresh a shit as I have ever seen and had i not beaten it to death with my ketchup satchet It very well may have run off my plate and joined its mates at the bottom of pubs toilets. After beating it sufficiently I peeled the undercooked shit away from the bone and slowly it made its final journey to my gob where it did not stay for long as the combination of shit and BBQ sauce was not pleasant attal so I put it back down on my plate and if i can remember correctly let out a smaller fart than before.


Myself and my fiancé discussed the options available to us being;


• Pretend to enjoy it to avoid causing any fuss

• Try an hide the offending dishes in the pool tables pockets

• Go and change it for something that resembles something slightly less shitty


We both decided that option 3 would be the best option as if I did not eat soon my bum could quite well fall off. I made it to the bar without causing much attention from fellow customers and very discreetly called over the bar lady to explain that the dish that had been served to me was as edible as crusty bogey, she duly arrived and without a moment’s hesitation i explained that I simply could not eat this and could I possible order something else...


The look on her face send a shiver down my spine, like I had commented on her mother’s knickers and despite what she must have been feeling inside she gritted her teeth and replied in a soft but menacing voice “of course sir”.


It was at this point where i again scoured the menu for something that would be simple for a chef to cook and yet be tasty enough for me. I came to the conclusion that fish and chips would be hard to fuck up so i ordered it and made the walk of shame back to my seat where my fiancé was halfway through tucking into her philly burger.


Within what seemed like seconds what used to be smiley waitress plonked the “fish and chips” in front of me and scurried off before I had a chance to ask for a sick bag just in case. I tapped the crust or batter shall we say with the back of my fork and could not believe my eyes when as if URI Geller had been there himself, the fork bent into a 45 degree angle without even marking the surface of the “fish” I sat in shock as to my new physic powers until i realised that the coating in which the fish was set in was as hard as reinforced titanium, it was simply impossible to get into.


10 minutes went by and much banging and chiselling took place before I cracked the surface and revealed a mash potato like substance that almost resembled clotted breast milk and at this point I decided that I was in fact going to have to resign to the fact that I would be left hungry this lunch time.


Not only was the fish fucked, but the amount of oil being released from it was on par with the oil spill in Mexico at the moment, infact I was checking the bill to see if i had been charge fuel duty. I could have quite easily powered my glade touch and fresh for a century with the amount that was dripping of that god awfull peice of shit.


As i write this I am now at home feeling the effects of what has to be the worst meal i have ever had and unfortunately the farts that had been fairly enjoyable in the pub have now stained my white trousers and caused a severe blockage to my toilets pipes.


My arse from what my fiancé tells me looks like something out of “Aliens” and has produced a smell so vile that our dog has had to stay with the neighbour.


I do hope this email gets passed to the relevant department and a message can be sent back to the “chef” at The Traveller in Bexleyheath that I wont be returning for a long time, well at least until my arse has fully recovered and I believe his/her talents lie somewhere else, may they could take up science instead as they seemed to have created something truly vile and possible by accident they have generated a new species of shit which the world has never seen before.


I look forward to receiving confirmation of this email,


Have a great weekend,




Punk Soho is located just off of London's historic Soho Square and right in the heart of the Capitals nightlife and entertainment district.

Punk Soho operates throughout the week as one of London's prime bar and nightclub venues, offering the best international DJ's and entertainment, in plush and comfortable surroundings with friendly, welcoming staff and great service throughout.

Punk soho has changed considerabel from its earlier days where it was frequented by many of the east end crowd. Punk soho has now cememted itself within london's elite and brings not only the fashion conscious crowd from the east end but mixed in with the high end mayfair crowd as well.

Punk has now been sold and bought by the new owners formerley of Jet black and they plan to make Punk one of the biggest clubs in London. get on the guestlist while you can as Punk is going to explode!

Table reservations at Punk Soho can be made throughout the week for our booth areas, of which Group and Corporate bookings are always welcome.


We also offer a bespoke events and bookings service for private and corporate clients 

Entry Requirements

Entry price may vary throughout the week.

Standard entry for on Fridays & Saturdays on the door is £20. Persons placed on the Punk Guest list are charged at a concessional rate of £15. Ladies placed on the Punk Guest list arriving before 11pm are gain complimentary entry.

Conditions may apply to all concessions and entry is at the discretion of the Management at all times.

The Management holds the right to refuse entry to any guest at all times, there is no guarantee of admission at any point.
Dress code: Smart casual, no trainers



Address: 14 Soho Street, London, W1D 3DN

Times: 10pm- 3am

Dress Code: Very smart

Standard Entry: Ladies free before 11pm Gents £20

Tables:Available to book


Miabella Read more


Dorsia South Kensington is the latest venture from the duo behind the South Kensington celeb hang out, Boujis. Spread out over three floors of an elegant townhouse, Dorsia has a private members bar in the basement as well as a glamorous public bar on the ground floor and an upstairs dining room.

The Ground Floor Bar at Dorsia South Kensington includes a DJ booth with navy blue deep buttoned banquette seating which holds up to 100 people. An original fire place sits opposite with deep buttoned stools creating a flexible yet comfortable environment. French doors lead to the garden which has movable seating for flexible usage, perfect for private events




Address: Dorsia South Kensington

Times: 10pm- 3am

Dress Code: Very smart

Standard Entry: Ladies free before 11pm Gents £20

Tables:Available to book


Happy Halloween, this year has been awesome and everyone seemed to get into the spirit of it this year and I saw some great outfits as I said last month I always get really excited about Halloween and this year was no exception.


This year I was at No5 Cavendish Squares “Haunted House Party” which I have been to for the past 2 years. I would like to make a public apology to all of the people that queued outside for 2 hours dressed like a maggot and couldn’t get in. It was (excuse the pun) a bit of a “nightmare” as it was so busy.

I don’t know how many times that I need to tell people to get down early! This is the most important piece of information that people never take on board and then when they do arrive after 11pm and they have to pay at the door I get called up and I am expected to sort them out? Sometimes being dressed as Michael Jackson has its benefits as nobody can recognize me and I can just hide.


Another thing that really annoys me and annoys fellow promoters is “Bottle Pirates” as we say. There are different types each with their own unique style of blagging vodka from our table, the most common types include:


“Penniless Pillagers”- They come out with zero cash, no credit cards and not even so much as cab fare. Nothing like a girl drinking on your tab all night, then asking for £10 to get home or. Why have a purse with nothing in it? I wouldn’t go out with my wallet only full of Chapstick and gum.


“Bottle Buccaneers” - If you only ordered two bottles of vodka, then why does your bill include 10 cans of sugar-free Red Bull, a round of fruity drinks, a bottle of champagne and bottles of water? Blame the Bottle Buccaneers. They hang around just long enough to fool your server into thinking they’re authorized to add to your tab. If you see something fishy on your table (like a round of Sex and the City shots), then you’ve been the victim of a Bottle Buccaneer.


“Jolly Rodjers” - Yes, guys can be Bottle Pirates, too. A Jolly Roger is a guy who is always happy and very chatty (probably because he’s draining your drinks). He hangs at your table so comfortably that everyone just assumes that he’s friends with someone else at the table. The biggest problem with Jolly Roger Bottle Pirates? They have a big thirst and a small bank roll. How do I know this? I’m a recovering Jolly Roger myself.


This is the one thing that really annoys me when you get shown no thanks or appreciation in return for giving someone a free drink!


This month I have been obviously very busy organizing Halloween but I had the pleasure of attending a private performance of “Raquelle Gracie” performing her upcoming single. Check her out online! It is rare to see someone so pretty but able to really sing live she was amazing and I will definitely be in the queue to buy her single when it comes out. Watch this space! I was also out with the CEO of Quintessentially (the world’s biggest concierge service) where I literally couldn’t keep up, wow these guys can drink!


Next month I have some very exciting  news for you and I am attending Philip Salons birthday party at Aura Mayfair which who I explained last month holds the most flamboyant fancy dress parties! See you next month


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RITA ORE at DSTRKT Read more


DSTRKT Nightclub

Upon arrival at DSTRKT you are immediately confronted by two large mysterious 9ft concrete doors being protected by your usual team of burly bouncers and glamorous door staff ready to take you down the maze of staircases lit by large crystal chandeliers, mood lighting and the faint bass beat of the club that you are soon to enter.

IF you have been to DSTRKT on a Friday then should you have been lucky enough to make it past the velvet rope then you know you are part of London’s elite as the first thing that hits you that you will notice is the sea of beautiful bodies. DSTRKT is famous for its crowd and from entering to exiting you will be int eh company of some of London’s most exclusive and attractive crowds!.

DSTRKT Many of the top figures in the London nightclub scene has come together as a team and created the new London exlcusive super  club that is DSTRKT nightclub. DSTRKT consists of a massive 700 capacity DSTRKT nightclub as well as a restaurant that has in all cost more than £25 million .

The result of this is a slick amazingly designed masterpiece DSTRKT that would rival any club in the UK.

DSTRKT is located where the Rex bar and cinema used to be. They have managed to convert this massive space right in the centre of piccadilly. Upon arrival you are greeted by the friendly face of the door staff at the very impressive entrance that marks your arrival to this superclub. Inside the club is divided up into various different section. Tables surround a central stage area where dancers perfrom and the DJ spins a mixture of funky house and electro house. The sound system at DSTRKT is possibly pne of the best sound system to be installed in London. The sound  is so crisp and you can feel every kick of the bass drum!

The restaurant just of the main nightclub is moodily lit and there is also a bar where you can have some pre drinks before taking your seat. DSTRKT is very reminiscent of CRYSTAL which is now Project Nightclub and takes inspiration from Jalouse nightclub as well with the ceiling covered in moving light fittings that change colour to the music. This all adds up to a very impressive look and feel of the club. An example few dishes of the restaurant include:

DSTRKT is guestlist only and this means guestlist Velvet Pr provide guestlist for large groups and table bookings so unless you know someone then use the booking form below to book your guestlist in today. If you want to try something new and are really into your house music then DSTRKT is deffinately worth a look and once inside the magnitude and the money spend has to be seen to be believed

The regeneration of Piccadilly is apace with the renaissance of one of Europe’s premier and exciting locations for dining and night life. This continues with the opening of the £25 Million Dstrkt Nightclub venue, voted Best New Restaurant and Club 2012 taking it's place amongst London’s night life crown jewels.

If you wish to be added onto the DSTRKT NIGHTCLUB guestlist then please use the contact form below.

As you make your way through the large mysterious doors at the entrance it open up onto the floor which is a maze of large diamante and crystal chandeliers and a mass of gorgeous guests. Tables in DSTRKT are usually full the brim with some of the worlds leading brands all facing the cenntrepeice within the club that is the home of the DJ and the dancers that perform throughout the night.




Venue ADDRESS : DSTRKT NIGHTCLUB 9 Rupert St  London W1D 6DG

Opening and Closing Times: 10pm- 3am

Clubs Dress Code: Very smart

Guestlist details /Standard Entry: Ladies free before 11pm Gents £20

Tables: Available to book / start from a £500 spend

Entry: At the discretion of the door manager. Club reserve the right to refuse entry

Entry policy: Guestlist only, get on the guestlist below
Membership: Everybody
Age restriction: Over 21s  



Anaya Guestlist is one of the latest offering on the club scene in the fashionable Mayfair area. Anaya Guestlist  provide a unique and ground breaking experience to some of London’s best crowd. Anaya which opens every Friday and Saturday to the public is the place to be seen to pop bottles and party the night away.

Anaya Guestlist  has recently re-launched surprisingly keeping the original name however they have have made several cosmetic changes inside the venue to attract a higher end crowd. Anaya is one of the most boutique clubs around in London today only holding no more than 200 guests but where is lacks in size it makes up for in quality.

Anaya bring the stars out quite literally an invests in some top name DJ's  plays a mix of Rnb and hip hop every weekend. If you are looking for a party then  be sure to check out Anaya.

Anaya Club GUESTLIST is strictly guestlist only. If you need a guestlist for Anaya club then please contact us via the guestlist form below and one of the team will be in touch


With world famous DJs, elegant interiors, and welcoming and attentive staff, we provide a unique, memorable and entertaining night of music and dancing. We would be delighted to welcome you and your party at Anaya Nightclub London.

ANAYA GUESTLIST operates a strictly guestlist only policy at the door. The crowd at Anaya Guestlist could be considered URban in many respects the music tailors to this crowd playing a commerical mix of hipo hop and bashment music. Table can be booked for a minimum spend and they start from a £500 minimum spend. Anaya is a little on the small side compared to other west end clubs so it is important that if you wnat to party at Anaya that you get down to the club early to avoid dissapointment!

Anaya nightclub is a premium destination in London’s exclusive Mayfair.  Embodying service, sophistication, luxury & surprise.


Anaya Club guestlist is considered to be one of the best kept secrets in London and having changed hands many times and rebranded. Anaya club has now found its stride and has a great team in place that has kept it from closing like many of its predecessors on he same site.

The venue itself is considered to be an intimate environment the capacity for Anaya is no more than 200 so the club do try and make the door policy fairly strict and only let in the right type of crowd to make sure that the few that do manage to get in keep the party going until the early hours.

Much of the venue and atmosphere takes inspiration from a south beach miami club with the designers being very careful to separate what is a boutique club into several sections and alcoves. The music is Anaya is a combination of bashment and RnB and Anaya Club have invested alot of money into the sound system to make the sound inside truly amazing.

You could be forgiven for feeling like you have stepped into a time machine upon entering Anaya nightclub. The club itself is very chic as you can tell by the pictures on this page. The location of Anaya is perfect for the west end clubber also. a very short walk from Piccadilly station even those guests in the tallest of heels shouldn’t find it too painfull making it to Anaya Nightclub

If you are looking for a club that offers all the benefits of an exclusive bottle service VIP nightspot without all the pretentious baggage that come with it then Anaya must be the choice for you! Anaya Club is definitely worth checking out so what’s the worse than can happen. Get yourself on the guestlist below and check out Anaya Club today.


Where is the Venue: Anaya Nightclub, 9 Swallow Street, London, W1B 4DE

What time does it open and close?: 10pm- 3am

What can i wear?: Very smart

Standard Entry: Ladies free before 11pm Gents £20

Can i book a table?: Available to book (fron £500 minimum spend)





55 club London is  a guestlist and table only venue in soho london. 55 club operates a strict door policy and entry is strictly via the guestlist and also at the discretion of the door.


55 Club formerly nylon nightclub and Runway London has cemented itself in London as one of the most popular venues amongst promoters and guests alike. 55 Club London music policy is very much geared towards the rnb and hip hop music that its urban crowd prefer. Club 55 as some guests prefer to call it has been at the forefront of the club scene since 2009. This itself is very popular with the young cool and hip crowd and runs a fairly relaxed door policy in terms of dress code.

55 club London site is also housing the afterhours club BLC. It is a rather strange setup as come 2am the whole venues changes staff, door staff and becomes a completely separate club offering something completely different.

55 Club London has done well to establish itself in london amongst celebrities and despite previous owners of Runway leaving a bad lasting impression on the venue the new management has done well to look after the p[promoters that fill the doors on a weekly basis.


The best way to experience 55 club is to book a table in one of the many booths of the club that surround the main room and also the VIP section where table start from a £1000 minimum spend.


YOLO Fridays are one of the most popular nights at 55 club London and Velvet PR have been successfully running guestlists at 55 clubfor the past 2 years. Some of the celebrities that have held birthday parties at 55 club have included Nikki Minaj and Calum Best


Early arrival is essential and the doors open from 10pm and only let in the first 50 girls complimentary at the door!

The team behind 55 club have all come together from various clubs to make this the new celebrity hotspot of 2012. 55 club has a illuminating runway that goes through the centre of the club owing to its previous clubs name of Runway. Table can be booked directly on the runway and the official capacity of Runway is 360 guests. If you are feeling peckish throughout the ight then 55 club offers a wide variety of platters for all guests.


If you would like to be added onto the 55 Club London guestlist then use one of the contact methods below by either calling one of our team or using the guestlist booking form below.


If you want to attend 55 club then simply book your guestlist today using the guestlist form below. 55 club is also an after hours club that turns into BLC from 4am onwards. If you require a table booking for BLC nightclub then check out the website for the BLC Nightclub page.


Sold out saturdays at 55 club is the most popular night of the week and regularly books in big tables for some of London’s biggest spender. If you would like to book a table then you can do this below also using the booking form.





55 club London Opening days:Friday, Saturday... 
55 Club London Opening times:Fridays - Saturdays: 22:00 - 03:00
55 Club london Entry cost:£20
Entry type: Guest list only
Age restriction at 55 Club london:Over 18s
Capacity: 300 - 500 people
Dress codes:Smart dress only
Submit guestlist at 55 Club london by;11:30pm (for that day)
Special considerations
Available for hire, Table Booking, Large Groups
55 New Oxford Street, Bloomsbury, London, WC1A 1BS